Unleash the power of Google

How To See The Weather For INDIA, US, UK And Other Worldwide Cities.
Are you a frequent traveler or planning to travel somewhere. Probably, you want to know before you go that how is the weather there? Google brought the easiest way for you to see the weather details. You can now see the weather for many U.S. and worldwide cities. You will just need to type “weather” followed by the city and state, U.S. zip code, or city and country.

How To Use The Google Calculator From Simple To Complex Calculations
     Google is not as simple as most of us think. You can convert google to calculator anytime to solve simple maths questions to advanced calculations. Google’s calculator was designed to solve problems without a lot of math syntax, so you may occasionally find calculator results when you didn’t even realize you were searching for the answer to a math equation. To use Google’s built-in calculator function, simply enter the calculation you’d like done into the search box. The following screenshot describe a lot.

Below you can find few math syntax Google can recognize.
+ for addition
- for subtraction
* for multiplication
/ for division
^ for exponential (x to the power of y)
% for modulo (to find the remainder after division)
choose X choose Y fines the number of possible subset groups of Y out of the set of X.
th root of creates the nth root of a number
% of finds percentages X % of Y finds X percent of Y.
sqrt finds the square root of the number that follows
ln logarithm base e
log logarithm base 10
lg logarithm base 2
! factorial – This must follow the number you wish to factor.
Possibly you can not find any complete instruction or how-to-use about Google calculator. But that is your limits to find those functions that I did not mention or don’t know. Feel free to share with us as well.