Excessive sugar kills your Memory!!

  May be little bit salty news for you but its fact. If you are reading this article while drinking your morning coffee or tea (having 3 or 4 spoon of sugar) then complete your drink because after reading this you may not dare to complete it. Of-course I am not suggesting here to cancel sugar from your daily diet, It has some pros and cons too, we will focus on both. Sugar contains glucose which is primary supplement of our energy. Glucose is a form of sugar that your body creates from the carbohydrates you eat. Once the glucose is made it gets into the bloodstream so that your muscles and organs can use it for energy. In fact, your brain needs at least 125 to 150 grams of glucose per day to function. It's usually the only source of energy for the brain. The brain's neurons must have this supply of energy from the bloodstream since they aren't capable of storing energy, like fat, for later use. But do not make silly assumption that much you eat sugar that much you get energy. Remember sugar is illusion of our energy.

             Its like a loan from bank because sugar will boost you with some instant energy but later you have to pay for it because for its complete digestion it require your calories (say energy) and vitamins like B complex. But twist is that B is one of the only vitamin which serve as food for your brain and sugar sucks it. So avoid our regular sugar and try natural sugar supplement like fruits which has essential vitamins, fiber and minerals or even you can use Complex carbohydrates such as starch which break down in the liver to form sugar.Refined sugars and brain function are a big no-no. These are the sugars we typically find in abundance on store shelves and in the average North American diet. The sugar energy from soda, cookies and desserts, flood your bloodstream with glucose almost immediately. At first you get an initial 'sugar high' as the sugar queues serotonin, a brain chemical that makes you feel happy, to be released into the brain. The massive increase in blood sugar signals the pancreas to start pumping out large amounts of insulin. Once the insulin gets into the bloodstream it soaks up the sugar to store for later use, depriving the brain, other organs and muscles of energy.
      People who regularly eat too much sugar over a long period of time often become diabetic. They are more at risk to develop depression and different cognitive problems with memory, processing information and recognizing spatial patterns.
 Some of other side effects of sugar are
*  Depress your immune system
*  Ages your skin
*  Increase the size of your liver
*  Increase the risk of Alzheimer disease
 * Increase the belly fats
* Cause hormonal imbalance.
   So what you decided friend, for what you care most, is it your tongue or your brain, think on that then act on it!!